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Personal del CNIO a la entrada del centro. /Laura M. Lombardía. 19.07.2024 CNIO promotes the use of artificial intelligence in cancer research, thanks to 4.6 million euros in European funding Artificial intelligence (AI) is already having a profound impact on oncology. Its use helps to... Clockwise from top left: Esther Moreno, Marisol Soengas (dean of Academic Affairs) Daniel Matamala, Miguel Xiao and Jaime Aparicio. / Laura M. Lombardía / CNIO. 12.07.2024 How to be an elite scientist, lesson 1. CNIO welcomes the students who step into excellence research thanks to its International Summer Training Program “I want to devote my life to cancer medicine, but also to research. I think medicine and research... From the left: coach Louis van Gaal, Jorge Martínez (Siempre+Positivo’s promoter) and Maria A. Blasco, CNIO’s scientific director. / CNIO. Outreach to Society
By wearing the ‘Siempre+Positivo’ T-shirt Van Gaal and CNIO support cancer research: “we contribute to a future with less cancer” A couple of weeks ago the Spanish National Cancer Research Centre (CNIO), the main cancer research...
Visualización del anidamiento de vesículas extracelulares de cáncer de próstata (verde) anidando en el hueso (rojo) por imagen de fluorescencia. Se observa que las vesículas llegan a órganos metastásicos típicos del cáncer de próstata. Héctor Peinado, Elena Castellano-Sanz / CNIO. Scientific News
Cancer Cell. Prostate cancer spreads by sending messages to other organs. An experimental technique hijacks them to monitor evolution of the disease and response to treatment Cells communicate with each other by releasing nanoparticles or vesicles filled with cellular...
From the left: Guadalupe Sabio, Héctor Pintado and Núria Malats. Credit: Laura M. Lombardía / CNIO. Scientific News
Why does obesity increase the risk of cancer and possibly metastasis? Three CNIO groups are investigating this very question Being obese or overweight increases the risk of developing several types of cancer, but the reason...
FEMP Delegation at CNIO. Seated, from the left: Francisco Díaz Latorre (FEMP Castilla-La Mancha); Yolanda Sáez (FAMP); Luis Martínez-Sicluna, Secretary General of FEMP; Maria Blasco, Director of CNIO; and Miguel Ruiz (FEMPEX). Standing: Berta Enrique (FNMC); Patricia Vilán (FEGAMP); Valentín Cisneros (FRMP); Neus Serra (FELIB); Antonio Moreno (FMRM); Vicente Rodríguez (FECAM); and Susana Mérida (FMC). A. Tabernero / CNIO. Outreach to Society
FEMP will promote the Friends of CNIO Local Government initiative to support cancer research Luis Martínez-Sicluna, Secretary General of the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces...
Researcher Paula Martínez (right) with CNIO friend Ana Mª Callejón. / Laura M. Lombardía. CNIO Outreach to Society
Friends of CNIO Day. Donors and beneficiaries ‘match up’ and share their stories with each other “Your generosity has allowed me to return to Spain with my family and put here into use what I...
Anuncio de la concesión del proyecto SOSCLC – AECC_ Cáncer de pulmón de célula pequeña. De las redes biológicas a la terapia personalizada”. 19.06.2024 CNIO researchers co-leads a project to improve survival of patients with the most aggressive lung cancer, funded by the AECC Smoking is the main risk factor for lung cancer. The most aggressive type of this tumor, small cell... Outreach to Society
Coach Louis van Gaal ‘signs’ for the CNIO: ‘I take part in Siempre+Positivo to help prevent cancer’ At the CNIO, the main public institution in our country dedicated to cancer research, a surprising...
