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Basic Research
Developmental Cell. New discovery on how cells build their internal skeleton Inside each cell, a network of tiny filaments, the microtubule cytoskeleton, helps maintain the...
A clonal competition assay showing populations of cells with different mutations. Depending on the mutation, each population of cells is stained a different colour. Credits: Larissa Haertle / CNIO. Translational
Hemasphere. A new technique that makes competition between tumour cells visible can help personalise treatments for multiple myeloma All cells within the same cancer are not the same. They all have genetic errors that turn them into...
Outreach to Society
European Researchers' Night 2024. CNIO enthusiasm overflows and spreads to social media and classrooms Everything happens very fast on CNIO European Researchers’ Night! Hours of planning, of...
Scientific News
Cancer Discovery. CNIO researchers propose a new treatment for brain metastasis based on immunotherapy Researchers at the Spanish National Cancer Research Centre (CNIO) propose a new treatment for brain...
The artificial intelligence revolution in cancer research has already begun, according to Valencia, Oliver and Blasco “In ten years, it is likely that artificial intelligence will be integrated into clinical decision...
Joaquín Martínez, jefe de la Unidad de Investigación de Tumores Hematológicos Hospital 12 de Octubre-CNIO. / CNIO Scientific News
Blood Cancer Journal. An international study led by the CNIO and the 12 de Octubre Hospital uses AI for the first time to predict the evolution of multiple myeloma in patients An international study led by the Hematological Tumor Unit Hospital 12 de Octubre-CNIO, with the...
Imagen histológica de tejido de tumor de mama. Los “trazos” rosados son tejido conectivo, las células cancerosas aparecen en tono oscuro. Crédito: Cecil Fox, National Cancer Institute (NIH). Dominio público. Scientific News
Clinical Cancer Research. Study confirms fibrosis as a prognostic indicator in the most common breast cancer, and opens the way to antifibrotic drug treatments The most common breast cancer is HER2-negative, so called because it has low amounts of one of the...
Non-small cell lung carcinom, with tumor cells (green) infiltrated by T lymphocytes (red). Credit: CNIO. Scientific News
OncoImmunology. A new form of immunotherapy to treat solid tumours shows therapeutic potential in animal models Strategies that use the body’s natural defence system to fight cancer, an approach known as...
CNIO Alumni Newsletter CNIO Alumni
CNIO Alumni Newsletter – 1
