The CNIO Biobank
The CNIO Biobank is a service platform that provides biomedical researchers with access to the human body specimens needed to carry out research in their respective fields. The acquisition and utilization of those samples are at all times subject to the legal and ethical protocols that guarantee the rights of donors, as stipulated in directives approved by the Spanish government or recognized internationally. Criteria used in determining the quality of the sample requested apply equally to its acquisition as to its subsequent usage.
The Biobank is authorized by the Madrid Autonomous Community, regulated under Royal Decree RD1716/2011 and entered in the National Biobank Registry with the reference number B-000848.
The CNIO Biobank’s Goals include the following:
- To facilitate access to biological samples of human origin required by researchers at the CNIO or associated institutions, providing that the institution complies with all scientific and ethical standards required by law. To encourage patient-sensitive research, heighten biomedical awareness and promote the development of new techniques and biological markers.
- To establish and maintain a critical mass of normal and pathological biological samples that have been acquired and stored under the optimum conditions pending their utilization in biomedical research carried out in compliance with the Biobank’s statutes. These samples are to be selectively preserved according to the areas of interest or needs of research groups operating at the CNIO or in association with it.
- To ensure respect for the rights and autonomy of the donor of the sample and to protect the individual’s dignity and identity when processing personal information.
- To provide technical assistance, consultative services and infrastructure access to research groups operating at the CNIO or in collaboration with it, thus enabling that institution’s strategic development and elevating the quality of its research into cancer and related processes.
- To establish standards of quality regarding procedures relating to the storage and management of biological samples of human origin utilized in research carried out at the CNIO.
- To establish close working relations with other biobanks, research institutions and hospital care centers.
Location and contact details
Laboratory 109-EA
Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncológicas
c/ Melchor Fernández Almagro, 3
28029 – MADRID (Spain)
Tfn: +34 912246917
Fax: +34 912246923