Home | News | The recording of the event ‘Artificial intelligence meets science in the quest to cure cancer’ available on Youtube

The recording of the event ‘Artificial intelligence meets science in the quest to cure cancer’ available on Youtube


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De izquierda a derecha: Miguel Calero, Maria A. Blasco, Alfonso Valencia, Pampa García Molina, Sonia Vidal e Ignacio Astilleros. / Antonio Tabernero. CNIO De izquierda a derecha: Miguel Calero, Maria A. Blasco, Alfonso Valencia, Pampa García Molina, Sonia Vidal e Ignacio Astilleros. / Antonio Tabernero. CNIO

On the occasion of World Cancer Research Day on September 24, the conference Artificial intelligence joins the science that seeks to cure cancer took place at CaixaForum Madrid.

Here you can watch the recording of the entire event:

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