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Correo Farmacéutico honours the alliance between CNIO and ROCHE as one of the best pharmacological research initiatives of 2012


Help us to eliminate cancer

The alliance between the Spanish National Cancer Research Centre (CNIO) and Roche Farma, set up last year, has been recognised by Correo Farmacéutico as one of the Best Pharmaceutical Initiatives of the Year, in the Pharmacological Research & Products section. With its annual awards, presented in Madrid yesterday, the publication recognises the daily work of people, institutions and companies that have contributed to improving the world of pharmacy, pharmaceutical counselling and public health over the previous year.

In the middle of 2012, CNIO signed a collaboration agreement with the headquarters of the multinational pharmaceutical company Roche in Basilea, in order to strengthen and jointly develop new strategies to combat cancer. The alliance, which represents the first of its type that Roche has underwritten in Spain, and the third in Europe —after Switzerland and Sweden— is framed within Roche’s Extending Innovation Network international programme.

The strategic collaboration between the CNIO and Roche will last from three to five years. Both institutions will work together to translate research projects hosted at the CNIO into innovative ideas and products to improve diagnosis, prevention and treatment in the field of cancer.

For more information on the programme, please visit: http://bit.ly/O0m4Tl

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