Unidad de Microscopía Confocal

Inicio | Investigación e innovación | Programas Científicos | Programa de Biotecnología | Unidad de Microscopía Confocal

Isabel Peset
Isabel Peset Jefe de Unidad
T +34 917328000 (Ext )

Técnicos de Laboratorio

  • Ana Cayuela
  • Jesús Gómez
  • Manuel Pérez

One of the main challenges in oncology research is the study of specific markers, expression patterns, or individual cells in the tumour environment. Optical microscopy has traditionally been an indispensable tool in cell biology studies and has become essential for understanding cancer biology. 

The Confocal Microscopy Unit (CMU) provides the CNIO research groups with the latest advances in optical microscopy, offering access to state-of-the-art equipment and image analysis software, including scientific advice and technical support. The Unit is also actively involved in developing and implementing new advanced imaging methods that could have an impact on the work of CNIO research groups. Advanced microscopy training and science disseminating activities are also an essential component of our mission. We organise courses, talks and visits, always with the aim of increasing our understanding of the cellular and molecular disorders that lead to cancer and the study of potential treatments.

