Inicio | Personas | Ivan Plaza Menacho

Ivan Plaza Menacho

Ivan Plaza-Menacho obtained his BSc degree by the University of Cadiz in 2000. He did his PhD studies (2002-2006) with Prof. Robert Hofstra as a Ubbo-Emmius and Groningen Institute for Drug Exploration (GUIDE) scholar at the University of Groningen working on the characterization of the RET proto-oncogene signaling in thyroid cancer. In 2006 he moved to London for a postdoc at the Institute of Cancer Research with Prof. Clare Isacke to work on RET signaling in breast cancer under an International Postdoctoral Fellowship by the Ministerio de Educacion y Ciencia of Spain. In 2009 he move to the London Research Institute with a CRUK postdoctoral fellowship to focus on structure-function studies on RET kinase activation and oncogenic de-regulation, and at the same time continued his work on RET signaling in breast cancer and endocrine resistance under an AICR funded project. In April 2015 he moved to the Biozentrum University of Basel to study the molecular bases of histidine kinase activation and signaling. Ivan is a current Marie Curie fellow and experience researcher as well as the recipient of a Ramón y Cajal fellowship.
