Grupo de Replicación de ADN

Inicio | Investigación e innovación | Programas Científicos | Programa de Oncología Molecular | Grupo de Replicación de ADN

Investigadores Científicos

Becarios Post-doctorales

  • Sergio Muñoz

Becarios Pre-Doctorales

  • Miguel Curto
  • Roberto Masdemont
  • Sergi Roig

Despite the biochemical complexity of the DNA replication process, the molecular machinery that duplicates our genome displays a remarkable capacity to adapt to different cell types, each one with its own transcriptional programme and specific patterns of chromatin organisation. In addition, the replisome proteins react to endogenous and exogenous factors that induce replicative stress (RS) and may cause DNA breaks, recombination events, and genomic instability. Our Group studies the mechanisms that confer operational flexibility to the replicative process, combining molecular and cellular approaches in human and mouse cells. In 2022, we completed two studies describing the cellular responses to specific situations of stress, which involve the regulation of origin activity and the control over replication fork progression. We also continued to study the dynamics of DNA replication and the impact of RS in other cellular contexts, including the acquisition of metastatic capacity by tumour cells.

