Unidad de Citogenética Molecular

Inicio | Investigación e innovación | Programas Científicos | Programa de Genética del Cáncer Humano | Unidad de Citogenética Molecular

Sandra Rodríguez
Sandra Rodríguez Jefe de Unidad
T +34 917328000 (Ext 3340)

Investigadores Científicos

  • Raúl Torres

Becarios Pre-Doctorales

  • Alejandro Alonso
  • Sara Carpintero
  • Alejandro Nieto
  • Pilar Puig

Técnicos de Laboratorio

  • M. Carmen Martín
  • Christian Moreno
  • Francisco José Moya

The Molecular Cytogenetics and Genome Editing Unit is dedicated to understanding the role of chromosomal rearrangements in cancer progression and identifying new therapeutic targets. These rearrangements, which alter the structure of chromosomes, are frequent and recognised characteristics of cancer. By using a combination of CRISPR genome editing and cytogenetic technologies, the Unit creates models that mimic chromosomal and genetic alterations found in cancer. The aim is to enhance our understanding of cancer-causing mechanisms, which could lead to the development of innovative cancer treatments. The Unit also provides researchers at the CNIO and other institutions with the latest molecular cytogenetics and genome editing technologies, and actively collaborates on projects with clinical and basic science investigators. The Unit continually implements and develops new technologies in these fields.

