Unidad de Proteómica

Inicio | Investigación e innovación | Programas Científicos | Programa de Biotecnología | Unidad de Proteómica

Marta Isasa
Marta Isasa Jefe de Unidad
T +34 917328000 (Ext )

Técnicos de Laboratorio

  • Fernando García
  • Laura Cynthia Woods
  • Eduardo Zarzuela

Proteomics is acquiring a critical role in the comprehensive understanding of human biology. The rapid development of mass spectrometry-based proteomics instrumentation and data analysis pipelines has enabled the scientific community to delve deeper into the proteome than ever before. In the last decade, the output of proteomics studies has evolved from long lists of proteins to the generation of full statistically robust analyses, allowing proteomics to become truly functional. For example, cancer proteomics has unravelled key data on the mechanisms underlying tumour growth and metastasis, contributing to the identification of clinical biomarkers and novel therapeutic targets. The CNIO Proteomics Core Unit develops and applies state-of-the-art proteomics, bioinformatics and related technologies for the direct interrogation of proteome expression, modification, and function in cell-based models of human cancer. In collaboration with CNIO investigators, the Unit aims to provide valuable guidance for experimental strategies, which are critical for cancer research success.

