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Sara García: “I never thought I would make it, it was like winning the lottery”


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El equipo del CNIO con Sara García, la investigadora del centro recién seleccionada como astronauta de la ESA. / Laura M. Lombardía

But she made it, and now Sara García, a researcher in the Experimental Oncology group at the Spanish National Cancer Research Centre (CNIO), is an astronaut for the European Space Agency (ESA), willing to combine her research with the training she will have to undergo, and which will take at least six years. Today she came to the CNIO’s Margarita Salas Auditorium, to talk to colleagues full of questions and admiration.

“I have to confess that I never seriously considered being selected. I wanted to enjoy the process and learn,” she said.

It has been 18 months of physical and psychological tests, “very hard”. But it was worth it! The adventure has just begun.

Congratulations, Sara!

Sara García durante su charla sobre “Cómo ser astronauta”, en el auditorio del centro. / Laura M. Lombardía

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