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Building bridges with society


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The latest Spanish Science and Technology Foundation (FECYT) funding programme has granted the Centre €30,000 for a project involving the educational community

Reducing the gap between science and society is one of the CNIO's goals regarding Responsible Research and Innovation

CNIO & The City

‘CNIO and the City’, a project which aims to strengthen ties between the Spanish National Cancer Research Centre (CNIO) and public educational centres in the Autonomous Community of Madrid has been one of the projects selected to receive funds from the Spanish Science and Technology Foundation (FECYT) to promote a culture of science, technology and innovation.

The CNIO’s teaching vocation is firm. Not only because nearly half of the research staff is in training but because of its links to schools, colleges, and universities through various types of activities.

Close to 500 students visited our Centre in 2015. In addition, 260 people participated in activities such as the Science Week or Researchers’ Night. The Laboratory Training Programme during the summer or the academic course targeting university students, as well as other activities aimed at teachers, are also part of the CNIO’s science outreach “offer”.

‘CNIO and the City’ aims to bring together these activities under one umbrella and take them a step further to continue with the goal of bringing science to society. The first phase of the project will target state schools in the Autonomous Community of Madrid and consists of three lines of action.

The first one, EDUCACNIO, is aimed at students in the last years of obligatory secondary studies and “A” level students, and includes visits to the Centre, personal guidance, project follow-up, and the preparation of teaching material. FORMACNIO is the second part and is intended for teachers, who may attend courses to improve their knowledge on Biology, Oncology, Biomedicine…

The entire portfolio of activities and materials included in both branches of teaching can be found in the portal titled DIVULGACNIO, the keystone of the project, because it will provide easy access to the material for students, teachers, and anyone who may be interested. This will be the CNIO’s window with the educational sector in particular and with society in general.

With this project, the CNIO is aligning itself with the European Horizon 2020 programme and with one of its cross-sectoral issues, Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI).

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