Educación y Foramción

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The CNIO is fully committed to preparing and training the next generation of cancer researchers, and to that end has made “excellence” the watchword of its advanced learning experiences. Participants benefit from the centre’s internationally diverse setting, plus the challenges of state-of-the-art science and all that it offers in return. At the same time they input with their own ideas, energy and spontaneity.

Since 2013, over 1,400 men and women have taken part in the CNIO’s pre doc, masters or post doc training, while a number of institutions have made substantial contributions to help underwrite its costs.

Students who have not yet completed their undergraduate or Masters degrees (BSc and MSc) are invited to sign up for theoretical and practical programs that, when complete, will allow them to participate in CNIO projects. Its Summer Training Program is aimed at undergraduate students from all around the world who have reached the final phases of preparing for a career in the biomedical disciplines. Students should approach the Group or Unit leaders to begin the application process.

Research associates undertaking post doc work at the CNIO account for a very considerable part of the centre’s activities. One measure of our ability to attract top of the line talent is that over 20% of researchers with a post doc contract from the CNIO have come from universities outside Spain.
